With the overwhelming success of the 2022 event which had 130+ Camaro, Firebird & TransAm from all across Australia converge on the regional border town of Albury NSW, the CFOCA committee is excited to announce that CFNATS will return in 2024, held over the Easter long weekend. We are pleased to announce the 2022 event raised over $10,000 for our supported charity, the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Care Centre Trust Fund Inc.
2024 will see the event grow to include even more entrants, activities, venue takeover for the Hawaiian Night Meet N Mingle with the addition of a second track day for those looking to see how their vehicles perform. Starting from an unofficial dinner on the Thursday Night before, we kick of Easter Friday and run through the weekend. Make sure you get the holidays booked in and get this locked into your diary, not to be missed.
Check our CFNATS event website for more details and to enter the event: www.cfnats.com.au